12 Ways to Naturally Reverse PCOS

PCOS is a hormonal disorder that  affects about one in every ten women  of reproductive age. The syndrome begins when the body’s ovaries produce excess testosterone, which causes an imbalance in other hormones such as estrogen  and progesterone. This change can result in weight gain or difficulty losing weight, acne and excessive hair growth on the face or chest. Women who have PCOS may also experience periods where  they don’t menstruate regularly (called oligomenorrhea) or have pain during menstrual cycles (dysmenorrhea).  But the good news is that there are  ways to naturally reverse symptoms of polycystic ovarian syndrome, without  the need for medication!

What is PCOS?

A study at Loma Linda University showed that women who drank more than 64 ounces per day had a 72% lower risk of developing dysmenorrhea and a 27% lower risk of having abnormally long menstrual cycles.

Tip #1: Drink plenty of water

Regular exercise reduces insulin resistance, which is often associated with weight gain in those diagnosed with PCOS. This can help you lose some weight and improve other symptoms such as acne by regulating your hormone levels as well.

Tip #2: Exercise regularly

Sleep deprivation can lead to weight gain and other symptoms such as acne, while getting the appropriate amount of rest helps regulate hormone levels that may be contributing to PCOS.

Tip #3: Get enough sleep

Eating a diet high in animal proteins is associated with lower insulin resistance rates, which means reduced risk for developing PCOS and its related symptoms.

Tip #4: Eat more protein

Some women have found success using aromatherapy to manage their menstrual cycles or reduce pain during menstruation by diffusing certain oils; this is not an effective way for everyone but worth trying if you’re interested! Studies also show that using lavender oil as an aromatherapy massage oil may greatly reduce pain and discomfort associated with menstrual cramps.

Tip #5: Use essential oils

Could your hormones be the reason for stubborn weight, mood swings,  hot flashes, etc? 

Take our Free Hormone Assessment today! 

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Studies show that those who suffer from gastrointestinal problems are at higher risk for Type II diabetes (which affects some women with PCOS) and have a higher rate of developing this disorder.

Tip #6: Improve your  gut health

Probiotic supplements can help regulate gut health, which can  reduce the risk for developing  Type II diabetes or other associated conditions like polycystic  ovarian syndrome.

Tip #7: Take probiotic

Vitamin D deficiency is associated with insulin resistance; studies show that those who take vitamin D supplements are less likely to develop problems related to type II diabetes in general as well as specifically PCOS. To get enough sunlight during winter months, try getting outside for 20-30 minutes per day without sunscreen on bare skin (not just your face!).

Tip #8: Get more  sun exposure

they increase the risk of developing PCOS due to elevated estrogen levels. If you are not able to avoid them  for medical reasons consult your doctor about alternative forms  such as an IUD or vaginal ring with progesterone instead of estrogen because these hormones have less impact on hormone balance than  oral contraceptives.

Tip #9: Avoid taking birth control pills

Zinc is known for aiding fertility  and decreasing symptoms associated with acne when taken daily at doses between 15mg – 65mg depending on age group.

Tip #10: Take zinc supplement

Try practicing yoga or mindfulness meditation regularly. Both of these practices will help you feel better about yourself and reduce your symptoms associated with depression at the same time!

Tip #11: Reduce stress

Reverse PCOS naturally by taking herbs such as red clover extract (also known as isoflavones), black cohosh root extracts (known for reducing hot flashes) or evening primrose oil capsules containing ursolic acid in addition to following an anti-inflammatory diet rich in vegetables and protein with minimal carbs.

Tip #12: Incorporate herbs

BeBalanced offers natural treatment options for reversing the symptoms caused by polycystic ovarian syndrome without any  side effects! Our products help balance hormones naturally  so that regular menstrual cycles return as well as reduce excess facial hair growth.  We also offer tailored diet plans to help block testosterone from converting into estrogen which helps reduce unwanted hair growth on your face or body!

To learn more, schedule a FREE consultation today!
