3 Tips To  Stay Hydrated

However, it can be difficult to drink water habitually, especially if you are busy and forget!


Adequate water intake is essential to good health, and even more important on hot summer days. Water plays many roles in your body, including maintaining electrolyte balance and blood pressure, lubricating joints, regulating body temperature, and promoting cell health.

Keep reading to learn our 3 tips to stay hydrated this summer!

As a point of reference, we encourage our clients to drink ½ their body weight in ounces. Keep a reusable water bottle with you throughout the day. That way, you can easily drink water in any setting, whether you’re running errands, traveling, or at home, work, or school.

Determine your daily intake goal.

Set reminders to drink more water using an app or the alarm on your smartphone or smartwatch.

Set Reminders

Eat your water! One simple way to get more water is to eat more foods that are high in water. Fruits and vegetables that are particularly high in water include lettuce, celery, zucchini, cabbage, watermelon, cantaloupe, and honeydew melon.

Eat Your Water

Take Control Of  Your Life. 

Here at BeBalanced, we strive to ensure that you take control of your hormones and one foundational step to that is taking care of your body. 

For more information, schedule a FREE consultation today!
