Have you ever wondered, “Just what are hormones?” It’s one thing to know that hormones play their role in our bodies, but do you really know what hormones are, what they do, and how they can contribute to some of the major issues women face?
Today, we are going to dive into what hormones actually are and how they impact your health!
Hormones deliver messages that essentially tell your body what to do and how to function. These functions range from simple basic needs like hunger, digestion, and immune function to complex systems like reproduction, your metabolism, blood sugar, and even your emotions and mood.
Hormones are part of what is known as the endocrine system. The endocrine system is a set of hormone-secreting glands within your body. The job of the endocrine system is to keep balance.
As we mentioned, your body has many different hormones. And although all these hormones work together, there are certain types that play a bigger role in your body’s health and well-being. These types are: progesterone, estrogen, cortisol, and insulin
• Are your PMS symptoms unbearable?
• Do you have hot flashes or night sweats?
• Do you feel anxious or have bouts of depression?
• Is your sex drive low to non-existent?
• Do you feel like your moods and emotions are all over the place?
• Do you struggle with intense cravings?
Sometimes the messages from our brain and organs don’t make it to the proper destination. If we have overloaded our cells with too much of a hormone, our body can stop receiving the message, telling it what to do, and will turn off communication.
Your body was meant to be and wants to be in balance. But when even one system is out of balance – whether it’s your blood pressure or blood sugar (too high or too low), or your sex hormones (too much or too little), the results can be disastrous.