Balancing Act

An Interview with Linda Barilani,
President/Owner at BeBalanced Natural Loss Center, Wyomissing

Q. How did you become associated with BeBalanced Natural Hormone Weight Losss?

A. I was franchise shopping and I’m on the more “natural” side of things. I think if you have a balanced body, you’re healthier. I went to Lancaster and met with Dawn, who is the founder [of BeBalanced]. I wasn’t going to buy the franchise if it didn’t work. At that point in my life, I slept maybe three hours a night — and not for lack of trying. I tried everything: hops, lavender, you name it, I tried it. I just couldn’t sleep. I also had night sweats and thought I could lose ten pounds or so, happily. Well, I went on the program. I lost sixteen pounds, so shame on me for thinking I only had ten! I sleep like a baby, I don’t have any night sweats anymore.

“It literally changed my life, so I bought the franchise. It’s a very fulfilling job to see these women come in here miserably unhappy and come back… well, we just had a client who couldn’t wait to take her coat off and show us the new her!”

Q. Tell us more about hormone balancing. What is it and how can it help with weight loss?

A. It’s important to have your hormones balanced for your health, not just weight loss. Progesterone and estrogen should be level. When they’re not, estrogen can become dominant in women. Estrogen dominance is responsible for a lot of fun things, like low libido, vaginal dryness, weight gain, insomnia, mood swings. We help to get the progesterone back up and in balance with the estrogen. For someone who doesn’t want to lose any weight, we put them on a cream program where you use an adrenal support in the morning and a progesterone at night. Everything we do here is all natural and homeopathic. There are no chemicals or drugs involved. That progesterone will help bring the levels up to the estrogen level. And there would be counseling also on how to get the stress hormone, cortisol, down. Cortisol robs our progesterone. As for the weight loss, we do an eight-week program. We give them a list of what they eat and tell them how to eat it. We suggest organic, because it is all about good eating. After the 28-day diet, they do “maintenance” for 21 days. That maintenance is when they lock in their weight. In maintenance, we also have the ladies go on the cream to keep that progesterone going up and to support the adrenals. After maintenance, we go through lifestyle to find out the rapid weight-gainers and what their food sensitivities are, and then teach them how to live and incorporate things back into their life. It’s not just, “here’s a diet,” it’s a whole program and we help them understand what’s going on. What we see is a lot of food sensitivities where people will come in here with awful pain and they’ll leave with no pain and they’re off their medicine. It changes their life.

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By Sara Frassinelli, Marketing Associate, GRCA